via the simulator available on the CAF website under the heading “make a housing assistance simulation” or by placing in the search bar on your search engine:
search bar on your search engine:
13 Rue des Docks
* For a depreciable loan of €500 at a fixed borrowing rate of 0%, a loan term of 25 months after a 3-month grace period, repayment of 25 monthly instalments of €20, i. e. a fixed APR of 0%. The total amount owed by the borrower is 500 €.
Aid subject to conditions and granted within the limits of funds available after approval by Action Logement Services.
A credit binds you and must be repaid..
Check your ability to repay before committing yourself.
13 Rue des Docks
* Accommodation under APL or ANAH agreements and owned by a legal entity.
Aid subject to conditions and granted within the limits of funds available after approval by Action Logement Services.
13 Rue des Docks
For detailed information:
Concerns the tenant, to undertake repair, improvement, sanitation or thermal insulation work, excluding maintenance work (wall paper, paint, etc.).
For further information, please visit
Or by putting in the search bar on your search engine
Contact: CAF de la Nièvre 0810.25.58.10.
You can do a simulation by putting in the search bar on your search engine:
Contact: Caisse Régionale MSA de Bourgogne 14 rue Félix Trutat 21046 DIJON CEDEX 0 969 36 20 50
Under conditions, the “Fonds de Solidarité Logement (FSL)” helps individuals and families who are experiencing difficulties in accessing or staying in housing and provides them with water and energy.
For all these aids, it is necessary to have resources below the CMUC ceiling, except for aid for unpaid water, energy and rental insurance.
The resources taken into account include all the resources (salaries, allowances, benefits, etc.) of the persons making up the household, with the exception of housing aid, back-to-school allowance and education allowance for the disabled child.
The files are to be established with a social worker of the Departmental Council, according to your place of residence.
Expansion of the door frames for wheelchair access, replacement of a bathtub by a shower, adaptation of the accommodation to a particular handicap etc….
Persons with disabilities who stay for at least 30 days a year in their home or in the home of a third party are entitled to assistance in the adaptation of their accommodation. Accommodations must meet needs directly related to the person’s activity limitations. The funding must be complementary to other financial aid that can be mobilised for adaptation and accessibility work.
Maison départementale des personnes handicapées de la Nièvre (MDPH 58)
11bis, rue Emile Combes 58000 Nevers
Tel : 03 86 71 05 50
A person is in a situation of energy insecurity when he spends more than 10% of his budget on energy or when he voluntarily deprives himself of energy (absence of heating…).
For tenants, the FSL can finance small simple works such as the installation of window and door joints, the insulation of domestic hot water or heating pipes, water saving equipment (flow restrictors, showers, etc.). It can also be used to finance energy-efficient household appliances. This aid is subject to resource conditions.
Tenants should contact a social worker who requests the passage of an energy counsellor. The latter looks at the entire housing, provides advice and prepares a report which is examined in committee.
Château-Chinon’s medico-social action agency – Maison de la solidarité – 6, place Notre Dame-58120 CHATEAU-CHINON Tel :
Moulins-Engilbert’s medico-social action agency – 4, rue Salonyer-58290 MOULINS-ENGILBERT Tel :
For Fours’ sector : Decize’s medico-social action agency – 10 boulevard galvaing 58300 Decize 0386931850
The First Necessity Electricity Tariff and the Special Solidarity Natural Gas Tariff allow people to benefit from an annual discount on their electricity and gas bills for their main residence.
The discount varies from 71 to 140 € per year.
To access this help, you must:
Hold an individual electricity or gas contract (main residence) or reside in a building heated with natural gas by a collective boiler room, benefit from the CMU-C or the Assistance for a Complementary Health Care Supplement (Aide pour une Complémentaire Santé or ACS) or have an annual reference tax income of less than 2175 euros per unit in 2017.
You don’t have to take any steps to benefit from it. Indeed, health insurance companies (Cnam, RSI, MSA, etc.) or the tax authorities are required to send electricity suppliers a list of persons meeting the eligibility criteria.
If you meet these criteria, you will receive a certificate from your electricity supplier confirming your entitlement to the TPN.
As of 2018, the energy check will replace this device.
Toll-free number:
T.P.N. 0 800 333 123
CHEQUE ENERGIE 0 805 204 805
The Solidarity Energy Pact is an offer of insulation of lofty at 1€, resulting from a program validated by the State.
Its objective is to fight against the energy insecurity of French households with the lowest incomes (tenants and tenants), by carrying out works enabling them to significantly improve the energy performance of their homes.
A household is eligible for the Solidarity Energy Pact if its incomes are below the ceilings defined by the Anah. Are your incomes higher? Take advantage of our insulation offer at a preferential rate between 4 € and 17 € TTC/m2, which is 50% cheaper than market prices!
By going through the single entrance of Nièvre Rénov’ at, whatever its situation or its project, the private individual benefits from a free and independent accompaniment from the reflection to the realization of the works.
Initially, a technician specializing in energy efficiency of buildings will carry out a diagnosis of the dwelling and recommendations for personalized work.
Then the financing of the project will be studied taking into account the person’s situation and the different possible aids. Finally, she will be reminded of eco-gestures to increase her energy savings.
Partner of Nievre Rénov’
Within the framework of Nievre Rénov’, Infos Energie Center advises you on energy savings in the home (insulation and heating, renewable energies and financial support for thermal renovation). A personalised welcome is possible by appointment at the town halls of Chatillon en Bazois and Luzy.
For infos énergie : PNR du Morvan – 03 86 78 79 12 –
For Fours’ sector : ALE de la Nièvre – 03 86 38 22 20 –
The C.D.H.U. is part of the SOLIHA association network (2,700 employees) and has a branch in Nevers, with 11 employees. The technicians provide technical (diagnostics, recommendations, etc.), administrative (assembly of files, relations with partners, etc.) and financial support (implementation of financing plans, finding solutions, assistance with the payment of grants, etc.).
So don’t hesitate to contact the C.D.H.U. Soliha, single point of contact, to accompany you in your steps:
C.D.H.U. 5, boulevard Saint-Exupéry 58000 NEVERS (Monday to Thursday from 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm, Friday from 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm)
© Communauté de Communes Bazois Loire Morvan 2021 – conception Agence itiConseil – Mentions Légales – Contactez-nous – Données personnelles